5 Benefits Of Using Garlic

5 Benefits Of Using Garlic

By Basiastylecooking.com

5 Benefits Of Using Garlic

1. Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Garlic is famoulsy known to lower your blood pressure and prevent hypertension. It does so by relaxing your blood vessels, with the amplification of nitric oxide already found within the body.
2. Lowers Risk of Cancer
Over the years, studies have shown that garlic has been beneficial in preventing heart disease as well as cancer. Its is known to attack cancer cells present in the lungs, breasts and even the colon, when it is consumed on a daily basis.
3. Soothes and Heals Injuries
Garlic is mainly used in the preparation of food, but it also has medicinal uses. When applied to a wound or a bruise, garlic juice or oil promotes the growth of new tissues and new skin .
4. Natural Antibiotic
This herb is also known for dissolving bacteria in the stomach before a meal. Ingesting it raw, and on an empty stomach, sterilzes the stomach and prevents diarrhea and various stomach viruses.

5. Purifies The Blood
It purifies the blood. It prevents unwanted zits, bump and acne from popping up on your skin. Try drinking a mixture of warm water, 2 cloves of garlic and half a lemon and you’ll see a difference in your skin as well as a boost in your immune system.
Whether, you choose to take garlic tablets, use garlic oil/juice or consume it raw, it will improve your health and immune system. Our advise to you is to consume it on a daily basis.

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