Saturday Morning

I like the saying, " Dont hate, celebrate." As much as I would like to comfort myself, by feeling that I am surrounded by people who are happy for my success, I know that is not true. The same applies to you. As Damian Marley says in song, "People will always be who they are,... Continue Reading →

Friday Feeling

I am a firm believer in this quote. Many of us believe that our blessings will be gift wrapped in expensive paper, with a lovely card signed, God. Some of our greatest blessings are delivered unwrapped, during tough times. If you are going through a tough time right now, hold on tight and believe that... Continue Reading →

Thursday Thoughts

As a wife and mother with a career, I try to do it all. I try to do everything. I have recently realized that I can't. I have to choose the things that I will excel at, and accept the things that I am ok at. Otherwise, I will drive myself crazy. It's not easy... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Wisdom

Helping another person shine, will only make you shine brighter. Light attracts light. Continue to shine in the light you were born into. As you navigate your week, seek to be a light in this dark world. The more candles you light, the brighter the world becomes. Never allow anyone to dim your light. Your... Continue Reading →

Tuesday Thoughts

Everyday I meet people who are successful. The thing they all have in common is that they are not afraid to take risks and to work hard. They refuse to be satisfied with just enough, and good enough. They don't wait for something to happen; they make something happen. Success does not happen by magic.... Continue Reading →

Monday Motivation

I am always amused when people believe that being aggressive and rude, make them look confident. It is actually a sign of deep sadness and pain. As we begin a new week, go forth with a winning smile and have a great week. Blessings Slayer💋

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