By Basia Alicia Powell Hey Fam, I promised you I would do a Food Vlog showing you how I prep food for the week, for my family. Well wait no more. I have delivered. This past Saturday, I documented my weekly food prep. This method saves me a lot of time, money, not to mention,... Continue Reading →

Our Son Opens Up On Blacklivesmatter

By Basia Alicia Powell The racial pandemic in America, and around the world,has sparked many discussions and massive protests, resulting in some sweeping reform. My husband and I have been forced out of our comfort zone, as we engage our 16 year old black son in an uncomfortable discussion on racism. He was raised with... Continue Reading →


By Basia Alicia Powell Our history is so much more than slavery, it includes breaking records in sports, winning Grammys, Academy Awards, becoming doctors, lawyers, professors, world leaders, businesmen and busiesswomen. Our people have achieved a whole lot over the past 100 years and they deserve for us to tell their stories. Their outstanding achievements... Continue Reading →

Loaded Sweet Potato With King Crab

By Basia Alicia Powell Hey Fam This week's food blog, Loaded Sweet Potato with King Crab, on a Mango Vinaigrette Salad, is off the charts!Here is the King Crab recipe. You will have to watch the Vlog for the other recipes. LOADED SWEET POTATO WITH KING CRAB Take a look at how this all came... Continue Reading →

Black Girl Magic

By Basia Alicia Powell Recognizing my beauty does not remove yours. Every color is important to the artist. You cannot create a painting without having multiple colors. Many people are now acknowledging what I always knew. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. Beauty comes in all sizes, shades, and races. The beauty is in the diversity, because we... Continue Reading →

No Such Thing As “Not Racist”

By Basia Alicia Powell "I Am Not Racist" I have accepted that for the greater part of my lifetime, there will be two types of people, "a racist" and "an anti-racist". What is the difference. "A racist" is someone who believes in racial supremacy and is unaffected by the oppression and injustices experienced by persons... Continue Reading →

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