Saturday Vibes – Happiness

I wrote a book called, “Thirty Days To Lasting Happiness.” Whenever a friend, relative or acquaintance speaks to me regarding some form unhappiness, I share this book with them. Most of them do not read it😆. And that’s ok.

Most people enjoy being unhappy. They are addicted to unhappiness. In fact when they see someone experiencing true happiness, they are silently resentful, because their addiction has led them to believe that happiness is not really attainable. It is like sobriety for some people.

I trained my mind a few years ago, to find happiness in every situation, good or bad. I am happy with my spouse or without my spouse. I am not relying or anyone to make me happy. I feel that happiness is a state of mind that I must constantly create on my own, if I am to find compatibility in someone else.

I am happy when I have lots of money and when I don’t have much. In fact the happier and more grateful I am, money is drawn to me. Money does not make me happy, it makes me comfortable. However, when you are happy, you can truly enjoy spending your money.

You cannot find happiness in a negative situation. I am always happy to remove myself from a toxic environment, because in everything I do, the goal is to create and maintain happiness. My brain does not function unless I am happy, as I have trained my mind to constantly seek happiness. If happiness is not the end result, it makes no sense.

P.S. Don’t forget to purchase my Happiness Journal, “Thirty Days To Lasting Happiness ” on Amazon.🙏🏽❣



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